Treasures of Seuthes III

Treasures of Seuthes III

Treasures of Seuthes III
Treasures of Seuthes III
Treasures of Seuthes III

Treasures of Seuthes III

4th - 3rd century BC

The Treasures of Seuthes III are a remarkable collection of Thracian artifacts discovered in southeastern Bulgaria, near the town of Kazanlak. These treasures provide a glimpse into the life and culture of the Thracians and are dated to the late 4th century BC. The ancient treasure was found in the tomb of Seuthes III. Seuthes III was a Thracian ruler who is believed to have been buried in the mausoleum where the treasures were discovered. The artifacts found alongside his burial serve as a testament to his royal status and the wealth and culture of the Thracian elite.

The Treasures of Seuthes III contain an impressive collection of golden, silver, and bronze artifacts, such as a bronze bust of the ruler, a golden wreath, a golden wine cup (kylix), knee pieces and a helmet, decorations for horse ammunition, and others. These ancient jewelry objects showcase the Thracians' advanced metalworking techniques and artistic prowess.
